What's "Native American"?
in reply to a message by Elle
Not to sound snarky or anything, but there are literally hundreds of Native American languages. Saying a name means such and such in "Native American" is like saying a name means such and such in "European".Aside from that little rant, I'm afraid I can't be much more help, because Donakya doesn't ring any bells for me. Sorry!

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a native american name  ·  Elle  ·  9/3/2006, 7:53 PM
What's "Native American"?  ·  Miranda  ·  9/3/2006, 9:54 PM
Re: What's "Native American"?  ·  Elle  ·  9/4/2006, 6:45 AM
Re: What's "Native American"?  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  9/4/2006, 8:34 PM