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Couple more names I'm searching for
Najee -- ??? No idea. It almost reminds me of something Sanskrit, but I'm not sure at all.
Pranav -- this seems Sanskrit or some form of Hindi to me, but that's just a total guess
Nikhil -- maybe somehow related to Nicholas, but who knows?
Nicklaus -- definitely related to Nicholas, but does anyone know where it's origin is?
Nathen and Nathanial -- just modern respellings of Nathan and Nathanael or something else crazy?
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Nikhil is Hindu and it mean 'complete, whole, entire'
Pranav is Hindu too and it means 'symbol'
Najee is Arabic and is a variant of Naji' (it means 'useful, beneficial')
Nicklaus is from Nicholas and it seems like a Cornish version of Nicholas (the surname Nicklaus was first reported in Cornwall and many people that bear that name still live there)
Nathen and Nathanial not necessarily modern spellings, but just variantsthat's it :-)
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Pranav is the name of a particular symbol: the sacred syllable Om (or Aum).
It literally means something like 'continuous humming' (pra + nu).
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