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Does anyone have any info on the name Ronja? I can't find it anywhere. I once knew a girl with this name and it was pro. how it looks only the j was more of a y sound. Maybe they just made it up, but any info would be apprecieted. Thanks!
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Thanks everyone!!!Thanks for all the help for those of you who answered.
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You're welcome. :-)
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Maybe a Dane can help out here...It's prn the same way in Denmark as it is in Sweden. Since the two languages is roughly the same.Ronja is prn RON-yah.- Charlie (Who loved this book as a child. And the TV serie for kids that was made.)

This message was edited 9/10/2004, 2:59 PM

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Ronja obviously has two independant sources:
- According to the Astrid Lindgren biography by Sybil Gräfin Schönfeldt, Lindgren took the name from a map of northern Sweden, there it is a mountain called AnRONJAkåtan.
- In Russia Ronja is a pet form either of Weronika or of Roxana.
It looks like Mrs. Lindgren was not aware of this.Andy ;—)
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Hi Leona,Ronja is a name invented by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren for her book "Ronja Rövardotter" - English translation: Ronia, the Robber's Daughter: Astrid Lindgren was searching for a name for her main character, looked on a map of northern Sweden and found the Sami name of a lake "Juronjaure". She cut off "Ju-" and "-ure" and had invented a new name!Regards, Satu
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That's what I thought tooI actually liked Ronja better than Pipi :P
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Me too! ;)
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It reminds of a female form of Aaron, or of a nickname of Ruchel, linke Runka.
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Maybe a feminine form of Ronald, a made up name based on Sonja (just with the R replacing the S), or a variant of Rhonda?Miranda
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