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Re: meaning of the name Yajaira
I was also looking for the meaning or origin of my name Yajaira. I was surprised to see that other girls had been loking for the same. I wonder if the soap opera they were talking about is the same one that my mom got the name from. It was about a gypsy I believe. Anyway my mom is Cuban and I'm surprised to see that all the girls are from different places. All the information I have is from that soap opera, and one other time I did find it in a baby name book and I saw it with my spelling and it said the origin was Hebrew. Personally I've always thought that the name was probably middle eastern. It would be nice to have one definate place as to where the name came from. But it was nice learning about what everyone had heard about where the name came from.
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Could it be a creative elaboration on the feminine form of Yair?
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