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Ever heard of this one?
My name is Trevelee (middle name is Ann). It rhymes with reveille. I have searched high and low for any other Trevelees, but have had no luck. Can anybody help with maybe a meaning or an origin?
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My father told me when I was a little girl that is was a princesses name he got out of the newspaper in Germany...I think it was a swedish princes but I am unsure of that. I would like to know more too.
All my life people have called me Trevy which is more common...Like the Trevy Fountain in Rome.
My mothers friend was named Trevi.
I changed it myself to a y cause its prettier to write :)
Nice to meet you Trevelee :)
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I was the original writer of this post (over 18 yrs ago). My name also was shortened to Trevie (my mother) Treevee (friends) and my preferred nickname is Treve which rhymes with Bev. Nice to meet you as well, Trevelee. 😉
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Trevor + Lee?it looks to me that Trevelee is a combination of Trevor and Lee. anybody agree with that?
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Why yes I have :) Not to many of us around!
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