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Hey Pav and Nanaea! Whaddaya Think?
Just buzzed back to NC for the weekend and found a firestorm in the editorial pages. Seems like Iredell County, 30 miles up the road, has commissioned muralist Ben Long to do a theme mural for the Civic Center there.Long is good, best known for Christian frescoes he's done in picturesque mountain chapels near here. But this time he's seized on Iredell's forgettable motto, "Crossroads For The Future" (I-40 and I-77 cross there), and is including in that theme the goddess Hecate, intended to represent the "magic" of the crossroads. (What's "magic" about Cracker Barrel and Homer's Truck Stop?)The preachers of the region are up in arms, starting letters with statements like "Satan is OK in Statesville!" So, Che and Nanaea, your opinions? Is Hecate a threat to the Christian (make that Baptist) God? Is there anything remotely Satanic about Hecate? Lemme know.(Incidentally, after today I'll be off the site in KY til the 15th. See ya.)
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Just buzzed back to NC for the weekend and found a firestorm in the editorial pages. Seems like Iredell County, 30 miles up the road, has commissioned muralist Ben Long to do a theme mural for the Civic Center there.@@@@ Heheh... They *call* it a "mural", shuuuuure... But the goodly folk know that it's really DEVIL GRAFFITI!!! :)Long is good, best known for Christian frescoes he's done in picturesque mountain chapels near here. But this time he's seized on Iredell's forgettable motto, "Crossroads For The Future" (I-40 and I-77 cross there), and is including in that theme the goddess Hecate, intended to represent the "magic" of the crossroads. (What's "magic" about Cracker Barrel and Homer's Truck Stop?)@@@@ The Cracker Barrel sells cheese of worldwide renown -- cheese with miraculous powers, that can prevent car accidents and divert natural disasters. That's why the Cracker Barrel's slogan is: "Cheeses Saves". As for the magical qualities of Homer's Truck Stop... I have no idea. Just something about that name that mysteriously causes one's eyes to glaze over as one mumbles in zombie-fied tones: "Mmmm... dohhhhh-nuts!"The preachers of the region are up in arms, starting letters with statements like "Satan is OK in Statesville!"@@@@ Ooo, don't tell the good citizens of Statesville that "Statesville Civic Center" happens to be an anagram for: "Ascetic, clever, evil stint". They might really get to thinking, then... So, Che and Nanaea, your opinions? Is Hecate a threat to the Christian (make that Baptist) God? Is there anything remotely Satanic about Hecate? Lemme know.@@@@ Well... Her name *does* consist of six letters... ;) But, nah, Disneyworld is a bigger threat to the Baptists. And, besides... Mickey, Minnie, and Donald *all* have Satanic names, have you noticed? And let's not even get started on why they named that dog of their's "Pluto"...(Incidentally, after today I'll be off the site in KY til the 15th. See ya.)@@@@ Will miss ya! :)-- Nanaea
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Satan is da bomb baby!
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Thanks for the insight and uplifting comments, Nanaea -- even if you are getting the tourist-trap restaurant and the Kraft cheese brand name slightly confused. At least I think so. Ah well. But in any case, I'll treat the cheese with more deference from here on.Reminds me of an American friend over in Germany named Greist who wanted to stay there so badly he was willing to take a shot at starting a business as a means of support. Another friend told him to consider a cheese store, which he could call in the German store-name format "Cheeses Greist". A Texas Baptist, Greist was somewhat offended and finally went home. True story.(Wonder if he realized his name has six letters?)
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Hecate was goddess of the cross-roads. Her faces were turned in all directions (earth, heaven and sea)
and she helped people of all walks of life whom she approved of (warriors, travellers, seafarers, etc).
Calling Hecate "evil" and "satanic" reminds me of the very kind of silliness that propelled early Christians
zealots to abolish the Olympic Games, outlaw Gymnasiums (working out in the nude is not in the best of
JudeoChristian traditions!) shut down the philosophical academies, tear down places of worship, burn down
libraries etc etc. Early globalization at its very worst, with contempt to regional differences and customs.Calling Hecate "satanic" is most diabolical indeed! And I explain myself: "diabolical" is derived from the
Greek "diabole" which means to slander.P.S. Why is Mick Jagger's "ooo-ooo" sound constantly ringing in my ears lately???
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Wow! I had no idea the Buchanan platform dated back that far! And to think all those old people in Florida voted for him, and then brazenly denied it...Actually, the silliness I described knows no bounds this side of the Mississippi. Kintuckie's just as bad. I'm moving to a university town, crammed with student bars and liquor stores at its center, but with certain precincts that are totally dry by local vote.And the smaller town I work in, down the road, just voted again to stay dry by a 2-1 margin. Ya know it's likker votin' day when the cemetery gates open early and all the church buses are heading there pullin' backhoes...
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Does this mean that the local Baptists use Kool-Aid instead of wine during the Holy Communion?
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Close. Actually, they use unfermented grape juice, which helps keep their heads clear for lustful thoughts the rest of the week.
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