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Which one do you prefer ???????
I'm expecting for a baby boy , and my husband and I got so many names , which one do you prefer ?
Liam Thomas
James Kyle / James William / James Tyler
Noah Gabriel
Matthew John
Please Help us !
PS : it's for a franco-american baby . Thanks
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hi i think that you have a very good list of names but the one ? i have is what is the last name?
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hi I think u have a very good list but your problam is that u are not putting the first and middle name together with with the last name.
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Noah Gabriel
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matthew john
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Noah Gabriel!
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Gabriel had wings, so presumably Noah have one in his ark :PPP
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What???????? :-)
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Hi Kelley,Probably no help on choice here, but I just wanted to commend you on picking a range of good, normal names for your baby. After a week of "Oooo, if I spell it with a "y", can I use the name "Twizzler" for a girl?", it's nice to see taste and common sense prevail on this site once again.(And if someone comes on here and suggests "Boyardee" as a name for a Franco-American baby ((that's sort of a pun, Che)), it's the "Twyzzler" teenyboppers. Be very afraid. Good luck!)
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I was thinking more in terms of "Generalissimo Jr" as far as puns go.
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If I spell it with "y"s, can I use it for a girl?
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How bout Dweezil 'n' Moon Unit?
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As I remember, very novel and shocking back in '70, but somewhat mundane today compared to "Vladimira" and the Eminem adoration cult. And I believe Dweez and Moon turned out to be fairly nice people, after all.I'll roll with the punches of Frank Zappa (a humorous and highly creative man, sadly missed) a lot more than I will with those of the cheeky 15-year old trailer park Madonnas who've plagued us lately. And let me hasten to add I do NOT include the originator of this message thread among that group...
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Grew up listening to Frangiskos Zappas!
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