Re: Fence with me, willya?
by CheBanana (guest)
12/9/2000, 7:17 AM
Ill check out the site :) As far as the Hellenic tradition is concerned, demons were spirits and not a priori evil.
As a matter of fact, Eosforos (Lucifer, in Latin) means "bearer of light", i.e. knowledge and wisdom. The Hellenic
concept of Hell (pun not intended!) is Hades, from "Ha" (not-) "dei" (to see). Hell means not being able to see,
being blinded by ignorance and/or oblivion. Hence the Hellenic ("pagan" if you will) notions of
"Eosforos/Lucifer" and "hell" are incompatible and mutually exclusive. This is why I'm kinda weary of by
modern-day "satanists" who justify their raison d'etre from the all-too-human human wrongs of applied
judeochristianity. But what do I know, I'm just a poor Greek boy :p