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I finally sold my house today! Thank you,St.Joseph!
Now maybe I can get my family, PC, and reference books moved up here to the KY Bluegrass and quit campin' on library computers labeled "Tigger" and "Pooh" in cut-out letters...
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Congratulations on the move! I was wondering why you'd seem to disappear from this board the past couple of days.Are you getting one of those ol' Kentucky homes on which the sun shines bright? :)-- Nanaea
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Thank you. Actually, my wife's coming up this week for serious house-hunting (there's lots to choose, and prices are low), but it's more likely to be a "newer" KY home with a reliable heat pump; she's had her fill of "old" in NC. And the sun hasn't shone since the last snowfall."My Old Kentucky Home" is a pretty song, but Stephen Foster's line after "the sun shines bright" is the non-PC "'Tis summer, the darkies are gay", which manages to offend: 1) people who prefer winter, 2)African-Americans, and 3) my parents (who still resent it that "gay" no longer means "light-hearted"), all at one swoop.With typical bureaucratic inspiration, the state tried to change the printed version to "the people are gay" some years ago, which didn't exempt African-Americans but did lump in about 3 million rednecks, who may have doubts about their educational attainment, but not about their sexual orientation.As a result, most people just Unofficially Hum this line when it's played as a sing-along at major sporting events and inaugurations.
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I'm really enjoying this :-)
Is "KY" an intended pun under the circumstances?
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For the benefit of you furriners, KY is of course Kentucky (the state whose sole purpose is to make West Virginia look habitable). And you know full well that if I do intend a pun, I won't be subtle about it.Oh, and I just figured out why those boppers like Eminem so much --"melts in your mouth, not in your hand".
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Your local cuisine has recently reached the sunny shores of Greece. Has thoroughly disillusioned local darkies,
nothin gay about KFC with all due respect.
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Sorry, but we'll keep shipping it to points overseas until we can find some group that can choke it down. Outside of the Twister (what in Greek? Twistos? Twistaki?), which is a sort of fried chicken gyro and not half bad, Colonel Food is grim. No wonder it originated in a city called Corbin (French for "raven", the alleged source of the meat).And don't be fooled by the cartoonish depictions at stores and in ads of Col. Sanders as a jovial goateed elf. Reliable sources say he was ill-tempered and swore like a trooper.Around here folks favor something called Lee's Famous Recipe, and it ain't bad for store-bought chicken.
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