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meaning & origin of Alena
meaning & origin of Alena. I would like to know.
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Alena is from Helena and it is a common name in Eastern Europian countriesfor example: there is well-known swimster called Alena Popchanka and she is from Belarussia.Helena, by the way, is a Greek goddess.
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Alena is from Magdalena and is Czech.
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There was no Greek Goddess named Helena . . .. . . although Helen is a character in Ancient Greek mythology/literature, in Homer's Iliad (the story of Troy).Alena could well be from Helena, but just as easily from Alina.
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yes i meant Helen from Troy and got confused a little with the Greek goddess of the Moon which is Selene (in Greek).About the origin, like i said, Alena, when it's from Eastern Europe i'm pretty sure it's from Helena, because St. Helen is an important Saint there. That's a major reason why the name Jelena and Elena are so common in Russia and as Belarussia was long time part of Russia, there are hardly any difference except for the way of writing: Alena Elena.that's all
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I think it's a form of Alana or Elena.
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You can also try ALINA (from ADELHEID)Andy ;—)
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Alena could possibly be another spelling of Elena, a cognate of Helen or a feminization of Alan.Click below for more info
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