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A fast search though the web didnt help much: she is at times Greek, Syrian and Eqyptian...some call her
Isis, Aphrodite, Hestia and/or Artemis. Whats the scoop?
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Your resourcefulness makes me blush, Pavlos. :) Do you happen to have a copy of the Bible containing the Old Testament Apocryphal books? Check out the 2nd Book of the Maccabees, chapter 1, verses 13 through 16, for a biblical account of what the goddess Nanaea and her priests are capable of. ;)Yes, my name really is "Nanaea". My mother was an adherent of Aleister Crowley, and she deliberately chose that name for me. The fact that "Nanaea" also consists of six letters, is a bonus. :)-- Nanaea
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Ouch you killed our very own Antiochus! I should be en garde!
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Did another of your countrymen keep the restaurant going after his demise?
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After Nanaea's priests chopped up and sauteed Antiochus the regional cuisine remained all kosher.
The Olympic Diner (as well as the local gymnasium) had to migrate to greener pastures.
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