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when should you name someone the III or IV?
We are having a discussion at work and if someone is born a junior do they become a senior if their father dies? Furthermore, if you are born a III or IV do the same rules apply and what is appropiate for naming someone the III or IV?
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They would only become senoir if they had a son named after them.On the III and IV issues, this can depend on if they are named in the order great-grandfather - > grandfather - > father - > son or great-grandfather - > father - > sonIf in the the first case technically everyone moves up one in the scale at the death of the g-grandfather.In the case where the father was named after his grandfather and is therefore II and not Jr. I would assume it doesnt effect it at all.
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Here's a link to the FAQ section of this site to help answer your question.'ve been told a Junior loses his Junior status once the Senior dies but I can't verify this. I don't believe this applies to III, IV, etc.
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I have read that two, that the number shift along, but for the sake of record keeping I think a lot of people dont change it.
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