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a website - is it reliable?
I found this website today: the first blink it seems accurate, but I'd like your opinion on it.TIA!
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Looks like they've copied the entire 'Oxford Dict. of First Names'. I think it's great, but what would the publisher say about that?
I did spot an error under Abdullah (it should read '100 camels') but that can happen anywhere.
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I agree, at first glance it looks good. I checked a few names against BtN and the meanings and explanations seem fine. I'd say - "use with caution" - check meanings against BtN as with any site :-) The etymologies sound well-researched so it should be fine.
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Reka, it is not reliable as I was not able to find my own name.
-Seija N-R.
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Well, it's not complete then, but that tell nothing about the reliability, does it? I meant to ask if the etymological derivations were correct.
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