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To Mike: Indonesia (2022)
I found these two Instagram videos of Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, the then-Director General of Population and Civil Registration, listing the top 10 names in Indonesia in 2022:Males:
Females: isn't any information on how frequently each name was used, unfortunately, but perhaps you could consider adding some of these names in the future. :)
Here's another list of the 10 most popular names in Wonogiri Regency (part of Central Java province) in 2022, provided by the Wonogiri Population and Civil Registry Office:'m guessing this list might be a little too specific to include on the site, but I thought it would be interesting to share nonetheless!

This message was edited 10/22/2024, 8:58 PM

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To Mike: Indonesia (2022)  ·  sekejap  ·  10/22/2024, 8:55 PM
Re: To Mike: Indonesia (2022)  ·  Mike C  ·  10/24/2024, 1:29 PM
Re: To Mike: Indonesia (2022)  ·  myre36915  ·  11/22/2024, 3:32 PM