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Emerentiana--the meaning?
Does anyone know what is the meaning of my first name--Emerentiana?
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The forms Emarentia, or Emmarentia, are well used in South Africa - I was at school with a girl whose given name was just Rentia.And there was a local opera singer here, decades ago, who changed her name to make it sound more exotic and became Emma Renzi!
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Must be an elaboration of Emerentia. That can be derived from the latin verb emereo, that means "deserve, merit" AFAIK. The adjective emeritus is also related.I also found a saint called Emerentia.
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My etymological name book says that Emerentiana (this name occurs once in my family, btw) comes from Emerentius, which in turn indeed derives from Latin 'emereo(r)', which means 'I wholly deserve' (according to my name book).The book says that the holy Emerentiana was a Roman martyr, probably during the prosecutions of emperor Diocletianus. The day of Saint Emerentiana is January 23rd.
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yes, Emerentia is the feminine form of Emerentius
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