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Re: Moriah/Mariah
in reply to a message by Nola
I am a native Hebrew speaker here whose special interest is the ancient Levant region the etymology is uncertain but it's the name of a flower that has a similar shape to the menorah and is mentioned in the Tanach (there is a common misconception that it's the same as the Old Testament) it's also a place name mentioned in genesis where Abraham tries to sacrifice his son "the mount of Moriah" (no one genuinely knows where is it located because it could mean anything) wasn't able to find the English name of the flower but I did find this Hebrew article that has pictures of the flower I was talking about
(I don't know how to put pictures in my replies) as to the meaning according 'behind the name' it means "seen by Y-hweh" but regardless modern Hebrew sources interpret the name differently and according to them it may derive from 'mori' "מורי" and yah "יה" meaning "Y-hweh is my teacher"But as to Mariah, it might be a spelling variant of Maria

This message was edited 10/27/2023, 10:09 PM

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