Immanuel... as a feminine name?
BtN lists Immanuel as a masculine name, however, the popularity chart for Israel recorded 192 girls with this name in 2020.Is this an error or is Immanuel used on girls as well now?Israeli popularity chart:

“Dear optimist, pessimist, and realist – while you guys were busy arguing about the glass of wine, I drank it! Sincerely, the opportunist!”-Lori Greiner
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Immanuel... as a feminine name?  ·  guasguendi  ·  10/29/2022, 3:07 PM
Re: Immanuel... as a feminine name?  ·  im_notcaillou  ·  11/1/2022, 7:19 PM
Re: Immanuel... as a feminine name?  ·  Kirke  ·  10/30/2022, 9:36 AM
Re: Immanuel... as a feminine name?  ·  Rene  ·  10/30/2022, 11:04 AM
Re: Immanuel... as a feminine name?  ·  guasguendi  ·  10/30/2022, 1:10 PM
Re: Immanuel... as a feminine name?  ·  Rene  ·  10/30/2022, 12:39 AM
Re: Immanuel... as a feminine name?  ·  elbowin  ·  10/30/2022, 2:58 PM
Re: Immanuel... as a feminine name?  ·  kess  ·  11/1/2022, 9:39 AM