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"tiger" meaning

Hi there! I'm not sure if I should be posting on this board or the other, but does anyone know of any names (either gender) that mean "tiger"? I can't find any! Thank you!
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I couldn't find any names either, but here's the word tiger in a few different languages:
Tora (Japanese) Namer (Hebrew)
Nimr (Arabic) Tigris (Greek)
Tigro (Esperanto) Harimau (Indonesian)
Kaplan (Turkish) Tiikeri (Finnish)
Tigris (Hungarian) Tigar (Serbo-Croat)
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Found a few more...Tygr (Czech)
Tygrys (Polish)
Tijger (Dutch)
Tigru (Rumanian
Tigr (Russian)
mnyama kama chui mkubwa (Swahili)Hope this helps.Jen.
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Here's one: Vyaghra (Sanskrit)
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You mean, just taking one of those little tablets can ... no, surely not!
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ROTFL - that's what I thought, too! :-D
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The closest I can get are these, which are (I hope, correct me if I'm wrong!) different translations of the word "tiger" in other languages. It's Tigre in Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese. Most other Romantic languages appear to have it as Tiger, which isn't interesting. And my Japanese dictionary lists it as Taiga (which I assume is the Japanese-ified version of the English word) or Tora (which is most likely the legit Japanese word).Aside from that, I've got nothing.Array
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This is the right board, but sorry, I can't find any eithr - except Tiger itself of course.
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