"Grendel" from "Beowulf"
So, for school I'm reading excerpts from Beowulf, and I was doing a little bit of research on the name Grendel (because I'm a name nerd. Not because it was required) and I came first here ('cause it's my go to) and found no definition. So I did a little more research and found that it means "legend name" (confirmed by at least three sites: sheknows.com, whatisthemeaningofname.com, and ourbabynamer.com).I thought that "legend name" was an interesting name meaning, and was wondering if anyone had any specific thoughts on it?
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"Grendel" from "Beowulf"  ·  Bananagramer  ·  11/17/2021, 11:23 AM
Re: "Grendel" from "Beowulf"  ·  thegriffon  ·  11/22/2021, 12:50 PM
Re: "Grendel" from "Beowulf"  ·  Rene  ·  11/18/2021, 3:40 AM
Re: "Grendel" from "Beowulf"  ·  ShioTanbo1  ·  11/17/2021, 5:40 PM