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how much does this change the meaning (anyone familiar with Hebrew?) :o)

Hi there! I saw the name Zekiah today and was trying to find it's meaning, when it occurred to me that it might be related to Hezekiah. Even though it's only two letters longer, Hezekiah seems really long (though it is nice) and is kind of a bit "weirder" than I'd prefer. Is Zekiah a legitimate form of Hezekiah or is it just a silly made up name? I mean, would it work and still have the same meaning as Hezekiah (God strengthens)? I really, really like Zekiah and I love the meaning.
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In Hebrew the full name is KHISKIYA (with a CH-sound in the beginning like in LoCH Ness) and it means: "God (or rather: Yahweh) is strong / has proved strong". Thinking of a reasonable name giving motive you may think of God's power to bestow a child onto the mother or else to help with the birth.
I can't find ZEKIAH in any of my books, but it is obviously used as a given name. And it sounds quite convincing that it should be a short form of HEZEKIAH. If you believe it is, it is. So be happy with it.Andy ;—)
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thanks, Andy!!! nt :o):oD
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