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Alternate pronunciation/spelling of Annamaria?
Whenever I see the name "Annamaria" I automatically pronounce it in my head as Anna-MARH-ee-ah with the stress or emphasis on the "MAR,"much like "Stellmaria" from the His Dark Materials series (Stell-MARH-ee-a). I think I got this strange pronunciation from the movie, because I loved how it sounded, even though I was aware of the name Annamaria long before it came out). I was just wondering if there was an alternate spelling I could use to reflect this pronunciation over the standard Anna + Maria that most people would assume, as I don't want to confuse or overcomplicate the fantasy story I'm writing with explanations. Also, it seems like it might be a separate name, anyway? I'm not aware of any languages or cultures who would pronounce it this way. I've been trying to play around with alternate spellings, but I'd like to hear from others to see how they would expect such a name to be written out without being too trendy or pretentious.
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Alternate pronunciation/spelling of Annamaria?  ·  Ash  ·  4/30/2021, 8:58 PM
Re: Alternate pronunciation/spelling of Annamaria?  ·  SugarPlumFairy  ·  5/1/2021, 1:01 PM
Re: Alternate pronunciation/spelling of Annamaria?  ·  Babochka  ·  5/2/2021, 12:10 PM
Re: Alternate pronunciation/spelling of Annamaria?  ·  Ash  ·  5/3/2021, 10:41 AM
Re: Alternate pronunciation/spelling of Annamaria?  ·  Ash  ·  5/1/2021, 5:13 PM