Re: Here's one I bet NO ONE has heard...
To whom it may may concern, "alethia" means "the truth" in Greek :)
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Here's one I bet NO ONE has heard...  ·  Krista  ·  5/1/2001, 11:09 PM
Re: Here's one I bet NO ONE has heard...  ·  Daividh  ·  5/2/2001, 11:19 AM
Did one of her parents have a lisp?:P(n/t)  ·  Sarahjeanne  ·  5/2/2001, 8:05 AM
Re: Here's one I bet NO ONE has heard...  ·  Pavlos  ·  5/2/2001, 3:24 AM
Re: Here's one I bet NO ONE has heard...  ·  Nanaea  ·  5/2/2001, 5:59 AM