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Different approach to ROSALIE
In my Dictionaire des Prénoms (Larousse), I find the following derivation of ROSALIE: Emploi particulier du latin Rosalia, les „Rosalies“, nom d’une fête religieuse où l’on portait des fleurs, et surtout des roses, sur les tombes. Ce mot, devenu prénom, dérive de rosalis, „qui concerne les roses“, lui-même de rosa, „rose“.Special use of the Latin Rosalia, the "Rosalies", a religious celebration, where one would carry flowers, especially roses, to put them on top of the graves. This word, that has become a given name, stems from rosalis, „of roses, rose-like“, which itself is from rosa, „rose“.Now I haven’t been able to find anything about such a religious (Christian?) feast called Rosalia or Rosalies. If this should in fact be a Christian feast – could there be a connection with rosaries and the Festum Beatae Mariae Virginis a Rosario, as other sources suggest (Wilfried Seibecke, Historisches Deutsches Vornamenbuch)?
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Different approach to ROSALIE  ·  Andy  ·  12/22/2019, 7:51 AM
Re: Different approach to ROSALIE  ·  Anneza  ·  12/23/2019, 3:18 AM
Re: Different approach to ROSALIE  ·  Andy ;—)  ·  12/24/2019, 7:14 AM
Re: Different approach to ROSALIE  ·  SugarPlumFairy  ·  12/22/2019, 8:52 AM