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Very Confused!
I've tried to look for the meaning of my name all my life. Some people have said to me that it's Middle Eastern, others that it's a Czeck name and I've also heard that it's Native American. There is a tribe in Washington called Yakima and I think my name might be a variation of this word which means "runaway" It's also the name of a lake in Washington that got the name after the tribe. When my mother named me she thought the name meant "Water that runs" and she had been told it was an indian name. Someone, years later mentioned to me that it was a variant of "Yakima" and that it was used often during the 60's and 70's when the hippies were all interested in the indian way of life. If you know about my name...Can you help me find how much of this is true? Thanks!
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Try this...I'm sorry I don't know the meaning of your name, but perhaps I can offer a suggestion for you? I did a 'net search on "Yamilka" and came up with a number of people who share your name (I gather from my search that "Yamilka" is a Hispanic name). I suggest you try e-mailing these people and asking them directly whether they might happen to know the meaning of their name. And, if they don't know the meaning of their name, perhaps they might be willing to question an older family member about it? Here are your fellow Yamilkas, whom I've found:First name: Yamilka
Last name: Feliciano
E-mail address:
Telephone number: 787-789-6113
Address: Las Flores H-18 Terrazas de Guaynabo
Guaynabo P.R. 00969Name: Yamilka Muniz
Location: Shorewood, WI
Date: Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 22:22:04Here's a Yamilka from what appeared to be a high school sports picture on the 'net:
hole10@hotmail.comName: Yamilka Caraballo Díaz
yamicadi@yahoo.comHere's a guy who posted on a message board, who happens to have a girlfriend named Yamilka -- maybe he can question his girlfriend for you:
Aldo Marcano
From: Milwaukee, WI (IP Address:
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; DigExt)
Added: Friday, September 29, 2000 3:41 PM
Comments: I love Sushi and my girlfriend Yamilka.Comentario de Yamilka Visaiz C email: yamilkahay@hotmail.comGood luck!-- Nanaea
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Yikes! Dont these poor folks deserve some cyber-privacy?
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Yikes! Dont these poor folks deserve some cyber-privacy?@@@@ My charming Paulus, I believe that the words "cyber" and "privacy" together form an oxymoron. Kind of like the term "military intelligence."Hmmm... I like that name for you, "Paulus". If you ever consider becoming a Satanist, you can change your name to "Paulus P. Pangod" -- and keep your six-letter middle name a secret. :)-- Nanaea
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Actually my name is Pavlos in Greek; as for Pan, he had goat's feet.'nuff said.
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Nanaea,You're going to besmirch your Satanic reputation, being this thoroughly helpful. But I agree completely with your analysis and your suggested approach.The only other possibility I thought of was Russian, but I checked Paul Goldschmidt's awesome online "Dictionary of Period Russian Names" (25,000 entries!), and it wasn't there. So it ain't Russian.
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You're going to besmirch your Satanic reputation, being this thoroughly helpful.@@@@ Well, I'm being helpful in a purely Satanic manner, Davidh. See, I'm also curious to know what the name "Yamilka" means. And if I can get someone else to do all that e-mailing in order to find out for me, then that's certainly to my advantage.Of course, that's assuming that our Yamilka posts back here again with the results of her research. Here's hoping she does, and she's not a Satanist, herself. :)-- Nanaea
P.S. If you're reading this, Yamilka, there's also an out-of-print book listed on titled *Bebes Preciosos: 5,001 Hispanic Baby Names*. Your name just may be listed in that, if you can get hold of a copy to find out. Check with your local public library and, if they don't have the book, see if they can do a county-wide, or even state-wide, search for interlibrary loan for you.
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You could also try looking for it through Worldcat electronic card catalog to find the nearest copy of that book. If any library in the entire world has a copy, it would be listed here. I don't know its web address exactly, but you might be able to access it through a college library electronic card catalog.
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I was born in Yakima, Washington and have lived in Washington most of my life and have never heard the variation Yamika and I lived right through the sixties as a young person. Is your mother Native American. Also I never heard of "lake Yakima" but there is the Yakima River and its an impressive river, but I'm not sure what Yakima means, but I'll find out as quickly as I can and let you know. Maybe your Mom just heard it wrong or spelled is wrong like Oprah (she was supposed to be Orpah you know).
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Thank you to all...My mother didn't misspelled the name. It was given to her that way and many other people have used the name before I was named. However, it seems to be around the Caribbean. Specially in Puerto Rico and Cuba. I'm thinking it might have been a Taino name. The tainos are the indians who lived (and some still live) in the Caribbean. I know for a fact that my family is part Taino but no one knows for a fact if the name is. It crossed my mind that it might have been a mistake of the pronounciation of the name of the tribe Yakima back when there was much interaction between all the different tribes of the Americas. And it became a mame after all. I do know for a fact that the name relates to water. In different ocassions it has been known to mean "river that runs" or "water that flows" that's why I believe it might be a mispronounciation of the river Yakima.
I'll keep searching... I really like my name a lot. It's very musical!
Thank you!Yamilka
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If you really think your name is Taino, do a search on "Taino" on a good search engine. There are a number of active Taino sites out there (tribal and other) that give you links and even a message board (which I saw on one Puerto Rico tribal site -- in English -- and couldn't find again).The tone of the sites I saw reflected people very proud of their heritage who seemed like they'd be willing to help you with any info you need. Good luck!
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yes.. I'm familiar with all of these people. I'm a member of the intertribal myself... but no one knows! I guess I'll just have to deal with it! Thanks for helping me out!
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