Re: Satanic Baby Names
Most ambitious. And considering that nearly all babies can be considered Satanic if they wake up between midnight and 5 AM, you've got a potentially large and receptive audience (customer base?).I've not heard of anyone trying this before. Altho there's at least one Goth baby name site out there, it's not strictly formulaic (but you've gotta admit "Winter Despair" borders on being a Satanic-esque name). Good luck to you.(See, Che? I KNEW I should have invoked Priapus...)
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Satanic Baby Names  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/3/2000, 6:24 AM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  ???  ·  1/7/2002, 1:56 PM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  arlene  ·  12/7/2000, 8:40 AM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/7/2000, 12:04 AM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  CheBanana  ·  12/8/2000, 6:44 AM
Fence with me, willya?  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/8/2000, 3:36 PM
Re: Fence with me, willya?  ·  CheBanana  ·  12/9/2000, 2:13 AM
Re: Fence with me, willya?  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/9/2000, 4:59 AM
Re: Fence with me, willya?  ·  CheBanana  ·  12/9/2000, 7:17 AM
Lucifer, Superstar  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/10/2000, 3:40 AM
Re: Lucifer, Superstar  ·  CheBanana  ·  12/11/2000, 1:55 AM
Re: Lucifer, Superstar  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/11/2000, 4:40 AM
Re: Lucifer, Superstar  ·  CheBanana  ·  12/11/2000, 5:25 AM
Re: Lucifer, Superstar  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/11/2000, 7:39 AM
Re: Lucifer, Superstar  ·  CheBanana  ·  12/11/2000, 9:13 AM
Re: Lucifer, Superstar  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/12/2000, 6:03 AM
Re: Lucifer, Superstar  ·  CheBanana  ·  12/12/2000, 6:53 AM
Satanic Father Names  ·  Paul Pan  ·  12/4/2000, 12:32 AM
Re: Satanic Father Names  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/5/2000, 5:08 AM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  Daividh  ·  12/3/2000, 7:31 AM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  CheBanana  ·  12/11/2000, 2:01 AM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/3/2000, 4:25 PM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  anonymous  ·  12/6/2000, 9:40 AM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  Nanaea  ·  12/6/2000, 11:55 AM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  scary  ·  12/3/2000, 9:46 PM
Re: Satanic Baby Names  ·  Adriana  ·  6/8/2004, 8:48 PM