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It might be from the Arabic name Nur meaning "Light" but I'm not sure.
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My uneducated guess would have been feminine form of the Tamil word
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It'a supposedly Pakistani, which would make a Tamil word extremely unlikely, not merely for geographical reasons. Assuming it really is a Pakistani name then my guess would an Eastern Iranian version of a Persian, Mongol or Arabic name.
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Even though that is true of many of the formal muslim names, the naming patterns, especially among punjabis and many secular Pakistanis draws on a much wider substrate. Especially so, if the parents are going for a sound, rather than the meaning. In this case, when I guessed Tamil, it was in comparison to a connection to nUr. It could simply be odd variants on نورة (flower) or of نبیرہ (grandson) or many other words, but it could simply be an Indian name that fits in the naming patterns of that region. In the latter case, the etymology could be anywhere.Or it could be two different names (one Pakistani and one Tamil) that just happen to be the same. Facebook seems to say it is overwhelmingly muslim, though a few Tamils do appear. So, you may be correct.
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