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Liva and Livanur
In German and Dutch baby name statistics, there is a very recent uptrend for the name Liva. Because there is also Livanur, a typical Turkish composed name, I suspect that Liva is also a newly fashionable Turkish name. Both Liva and Livanur are names for girls.However, I am completely lacking any clues of its derivation and why it is suddenly that popular. The closest match I have found so far is Arabic liwa' "flag", "brigade" (several islamistic organisations fighting against the Syrian government carry Liwa' in their names).Can someone here shed more light on these names?--elbowin

This message was edited 10/18/2017, 10:50 AM

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Liva does come from the Arabic word for flag yes and used related to flag of the Prophet (sav.). There is also Lazuri name Liva that is related to the word snow, Lazuri people are an ethnic group that live in Blacksea region, since nature names tend to be popular in Turkey that could be a reason why the name is popular among Turkish communities too.
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