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please help me
hi everyone, i´m a fifteen year-old brazilian girl and i´m despaired to know the meaning of my name. i´ve never met anyone who had the same name as mine and i can´t find its meaning anywhere. I know my father gave me that name because of a book he read, the book was named "the time machine", but I still don´t know what it means and I really want to find out. Sorry about my terrible english. I´d be very pleased if someone could help me and you would also add another name to your list. thanks. Weena.
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by the way, my e-mail is, in case you want to give me an answer.
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Hello Weena!Your name is probably is short form of Edwina or Rowena.
Click here- Edwina
and Here- RowenaLala
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Re:hey lalathanks a lot for your help.
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Re:hey lalaNo problems. Did you understand the meanings ok (sometimes it seems like they don't make sense)?Lala
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Re:hey lalayeah, you´re like an angel to me, lol
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before you go.....Your name is WEENA, which could be apart of Edwina or Rowena, as I said before.In Edwina, the WINA part means "friend"
In Rowena, the WENA part means "joy"So I think a more accurate meaning of you name would be "friend" or "joy"Lala
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