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Hebrew name Adele
I'm a guy from Israel and I want to see the Hebrew name "Adele" added to your site. In Hebrew, the name "Adele" means "God is eternal".Cheers.
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Hi Adele. How do you pronounce your name? I am changing my first name and I want to change my middle name as well. My middle name is "Adelin" which was a way of naming me after my grandmother Adele, who I share a birthday with, but being Jewish my parents wouldn't name me after a living relative. She is now deceased so I would like to change my middle name to Adele to honor her. She pronounced it "eh-DELL" as the German female name. But I am transgender and I changed my first name to a male name so I wanted to change my middle name to a masculine form of "Adele" as well.Shabbat shalom from California!
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Like Odelia, this is probably a retconned version of the Germanic or in this case Arabic name. The Germanic form is a prototheme used as a full name, and could be short for both male or female names.
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In Yiddish Adina means Noble as well.
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Nonsense. Adina is a hebrew word meaning gentle
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Taken from Google. *Adina means: noble, gentle, delicate. Adina Name Origin: Hebrew. Pronunciation: a-di-na.
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In Dutch it means Noble and actually comes from an Israelite King named King Adel
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Ah, no it doesn't. It comes from a Germanic word meaning "possessing inherited property", therefore, "of the nobility, noble". There is no Israelite King Adel.
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He wasn’t a king in Israel in the kings list, he was a descendant of the Israelites scattered with the lost tribes and was a Frisian or Swedish King and the Son of King Friso. Adel definitely means Noble.
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Could you please tell the name is written in Hebrew? And is there any chance that, as a native speaker, you could tell us how it is composed exactly? For example, the -el- part of the name must mean "God". What part of the name means "eternal" - is it Ad-?On a somewhat related note, could you also tell me (as I am interested in this personally) how the Hebrew name אודליה (Odelia) is composed? That name is said to mean either "I will thank God" or "I will praise God".Thank you very much in advance for your time and effort! :D
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Adele is already on this site. If you have any extra information on its origins/meaning you should put it in the comment section of the name.
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Seeing how yours is a male name with a different source, you can also submit it as a new name with its given background.
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