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I encountered this Armenian name recently. It's the real name of voice actress Naz Edwards, who is of Armenian descent. Does anyone here know what Nazig means in Armenian?
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I found the name on this page: says "See Nazeli", and I did find a number of pages, in Armenian script, that contain writings like "Nazig (Nazeli)" or similar, so the connection looks good. An example, right in the title of the blog entry: meaning of "delicate" on the Armeniapedia page can be confirmed as well; maybe the main sense of the common Armenian word "nazeli" identical to the name (or the other way round, of course) is not "delicate", but "pretty":նազելի/Interestingly there is quite a similar Arabic name Nazli, with more or less identical meaning. It would be interesting to find out more about this: Armenian and Arabic are not related as languages, but maybe there was some loaning of words...

This message was edited 9/17/2016, 8:00 AM

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Armenian did borrow a lot from Semitic languages, not only Arabic, but also from Akkadian, Aramaic, etc. These loans did not come as part of the religious complex, so it was probably everyday contacts rather than a formal religious domination.But, is the word really Semitic? Naz, as in, is a very common Persian name element, and Nazik/Nazuk, as in, means elegant. The same word borrowed into Hindi, नाज़ुक,, means sensitive (also in the sense of shy or modest) and soft (also in the sense of beautiful).Wiktionary, at, says Armenian նազ is a borrowing from Iranian, and Persian ناز goes back to Parthian. It does not follow it back to IndoIranian or before ...
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There is a similar name in turkish, Nazik. It means "gracious, deklicate, courteous, polite". As with many turkish names it is also a word.
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