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Meaning of the name Rael
It is an old hebrew/biblical boy name, meaning "Lord of the light". Rael was the name of an angel.
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Haven't heard of Rael as a first name but know people that have it as a last name (surname).
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BTW, anyone considering naming a baby Rael should at least be aware of Raëlism (use a search engine to get the gist of it).
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In Albanian most mysterious language to this day) it means:
Ra”... “Fallen”
El” or sometimes “IL” ... means “StarEL or IL added to a word, means “star”, which are personified by angels. EL / IL / YL / HEL / HYL by itself means “The Star”.. meaning “Sun”.The Sun was the god multiple religions ins tha past starting from Egypt, to Hellenes (yes Hel, Heli-os-believers) and Yllirians (Albanians, YLL-believers).Many names come from El, like Elias, cELeste, Julius/ian, ...
Many words come from El, like cELestial, ELevate, ...
All angELs come from El, like MichaEL, GabriEL, Samu/Rafa/Uri/AriEL, etc.Unfortunately for the religious brethren, it only means “Star”.
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Now is exactly what I considered as a religious issue, instead of the Kingdom of God's revelation that Holy Spirit mines from the Mind of God (Christ) and reveals to our heart (garden in Eden/Delightful) the riches in glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Light of the world) to encounter what is mine give from the Father, that I may see what He says (word of mystery) that is the treasure in light of the mind in the mine that's mine.
God bless His kings.
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If the name means fallen star as in a star the little dots of lights in the sky. COULD ONE speculate the star that bears light could be associated with the fallen angel lucifer also called the light bearer, and if you were to put the two letter is before rael you get the demonic unlawfully cleansing of Arabs in the holy land by Israel . The zionist war crimes against Palestine is from none other then is fallen light .. lucifer
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Legend in Ireland is of “Luca”(fair) skinned. If you read the ancient stories. There is cu of cullain castle. He was a boy taken from his mother to learn to fight at age 5. He must have tried to escape, and killed the castle guard dog or beast named “cu”. His real name was Setana or (Satan or Shetana) The original peoples were called lites or (k)nights. People sometimes call people “cu cu” like nuts. It’s because of the story of cu of cullain (killing) training castle. Haha. You say there is a cleansing in Palestine. The pale stions” have been wanting freedom they say, and you mention “Za Zions” The Zian’s, but the Arabians aka ancient time (A rabbi an) a rabbi on. Like the other ions. Have suffered a cleansing in a lot of places. Hopefully peace can happen since everyone is connected. Lucifer or the old story of people who were completely nuts like Loki or Luca, or Cu (Setana) stop being used to scare people. Luca fair is dead and gone. God is Love. Everyone wants the Pale Steins, the Arabians, and A Rabbi ons, to have peace.
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Palestine was the name for Israel given by occupying Romans. Arabic has no "P" sound.
Please do some historical research. Arabs who moved into Israel at the diaspora were from Jordan Mt Seir area, Moab and Ammon, Eden.
The issue I think is more a religious one. Either Israel is the land God gave to Abraham Isaac and Jacob or it is not.
If you read a Bible you will see who fits where. Good luck on your journey.
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Where did you find this?
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This is too obviously an apocryphal folk etymology. If it's Semitic at all it would seem to be a variant of Reuel or Raguel "friend of God". The Egyptian Arabic for "Angel" should be Malak, similar to Hebrew "Mal'akh". Angels in the native Egyptian Coptic tradition are derived from earlier Hebrew, not Egyptian traditions, the idea being one of ancient Euphrates cultures adopted by both the Persians to the north and Semitic peoples to the south.
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Perhaps you could give us the reference you used to find this meaning? It would be interesting.Unfortunately, it isn't accurate. Rael is a dialectal contraction of the Scandinavian name Ragnvald, used in Old Swedish. It is not Hebrew. Ragn means Advise and Vald means Power, so it could mean "military adviser", or it could just be a merger of the two separate names, Ragn and Vald.Apparently it is used as a female name in Finland, again as a contracted form, this time of the authentically biblical Rachel.
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Chariot= Ca Ri Ot. Carry Old (the beginnings of words!)
If you look at people in Ireland, and their beginnings, like the Hill of Tara (possibly torah) it’s like 6,000 or so years old. A holy place where cings (kings) were married (coven) to their land in a ceremony. They have people that sound like the Scandinavian legends. The worshippers of Ing, might have originated there. The Ri-ngs (Ragnard) Ard Ri aka “Ireland”. Vikings. ings, with a V or K, even though it looks like it took a very time for Ard Ri aka “Ireland” to incorporate the letter k. I wonder how they got around so many places! Look up the Ri (Ray) (Rey) some of it is being censored. Idk why. Seems Ireland is very private. Did you know the Incas in South America, were the worshippers of Ing? The name England comes from Ing. Ingles in Spanish means “English”. We’re all connected. There are caves in Ireland time stamped at 350 million years old. They might be a part of humans journey of survival.
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Ragn does not mean advise. It is from a root meaning "rule, power", distantly related to Latin Reg-, Rex. It is used to refer to the gods as "powers", but also to human power and authority.
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Since 1899, name Rael has been given to less than 25 girls and less than 25 boys in Finland. So I wouldn't categorize it as a Finnish feminine name. Not sure if it has anything to do with Rakel (all I could quickly find was Nordic names saying Rael is derived from Rakel, but I've found that site untrustworthy).
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... and you are very probably mistaken. There is no Hebrew word for "light" that resembles "Ra". The usual Hebrew word for "light" is most often rendered as "Or" in names.
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RAEL could be a truncation of URIEL.
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Not really. Where do you get the A from?
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I am unfamiliar with RAEL as a historical, angelic name, but everything else in your description lines up with the angelic name, URIEL.
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Hi !!!Wow!
It is a beautiful name!!!
And has got a wonderful meaning!!!!I like it very much!!!Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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The name "Rael" is a derivative of "Israel" which means "People of God", by God's own definition. That is why the Israelites are know as the people of God, since God changed the name of Jacob to Israel when he wrestled with an Angel. Rael means man of God.
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In way back Hebrew...Rael means Son closest to God..."RA" means son and "EL" means God...
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I don't know how to break it to you, but in Hebrew ra means evil, malignant. Hebrew technically had no word for son, just one (ben) that means "male descendant", which could be a son, but may be a grandson, great grandson etc.
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Griffon, did you know Saint Patrick’s name originally is Pa Draig (Padre) He rid Ireland of dinosaur sea serpents that came on land) He is an old legend. Padre is Spanish. If you go to Ecuador they have a city in the sky. Called Macha Piccu. (Macha is an Ireland goddess with red hair and the picts in Ireland, are in legend “the pixies”. Known for flying. They have a very old seal, called a skelion aka skeleon. Or possibly a “sky lion” like your name “The Griffon”. China is old. They built a wall like Jurassic park. When they have their lunar new year parade. They do a “lion dance”, and wear dragon masks. It might just be an old tradition celebrating the big flying carpets (car-pets). Hahaha
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The first Pharoah, named his daughter “Ra” or Re, Ri (Rey-Ray) The “Red” or Ri were the kings in charge in “Ard Ri-land” aka “Ireland”. In early Ireland the Ri were the ones governing. In Ireland they are known for battling dinosaurs (dragons) it’s the year of the dragon 2023. linguist have determined that no language in the world can be spoken without the Irish alphabet as the base. The legend says the first pharoah rode a “horned sacred cow” in the sky. Most likely if true, it was a dinosaur (Draigon) They found a dinosaur in the Nile that resembles the lock (lake) Ness Monster. Supposedly the Pharoah tells the people of a story of his early life battling a serpent every morning, when the world was covered with water. The caves in Ireland are 350 million years old with underground roadways. Some caves are elaborate with stair cases. Closed off to the public. The Ri,(Red) are known all over the world. But in Egypt after the pharaohs hair changed to grey, he wore a red sun disk crown above his head, and this began the sun worship. But most likely they worshipped God (faith)They most likely co existed with the knights. Night (Black) people of Africa, and had lots of children. In Europe a lot of people call the moms mummies, wouldn’t it be funny if the first mumified person was someone’s mom. It’s the process of preserving DNA. There is too much to cover. EL, and Ella, were also known as God and Goddesses in ancient scrolls. Ella became the moon Goddess. Later Islam was created Alla-h from Ella and still today they turn and pray to the moon. A moon is also on their flag. So if you put Is, short for ish (people indigenous of a land) IsRael, they are all combined. The early indigenous peoples who worshiped “God, Goddesses”. The name Rael is Hebrew, and now a boys name, and the last name of a lot of people.
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Also ”RaRay of light (Rey of light) (king of light) God of light. They studied astrology back then. The stars the sun, the moon. And no, it isn’t the devil. Because when they used numbers to map the sky the mathematical numbers for the sun is 6-6-6. People who want to scare people take mathematical numbers in astrology to create superstitions.
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Rael and the survival language of the early people. Like the Israel-lights. The lites were the light skin, the nights (knights) originally were black people. Like a free Ca(spiritual) Africa. All these names created words. Like mooning, comes from Islam (I Slav-e). Everyone used their name from where they originated. Arabian (a rabbi-an, aka (ion) ian) ionite canonite so Arabian is translated originally as Ella ri (Rey) by (bi) a (k)nite. So it means Arabian people are Irish and Black. The original survival. Since the caves have been time stamped in Ireland (ri -land) as 350 million years old. So the origins knights or nights Blacks. Are just as old. Slavery is old. A ri bion a night. (buying a night)(buying a lite) (Slave a Ri) I slav- Islam originally worshippers of the moon spread. Like we see the palestines still claiming they want freedom. But Islam are colonizers. They do not allow freedom of worship. The “pale stines” originally the israelites (lights) are words from construction. Like peoples stations in life. The slaves. The steins (stones) or stians. The pales (pails or shovels) the rakes (I Rey q) iraq, the chri-stians (stones) ians aka (za zions) the stians (stones) zions. Are also the Arabians (ions) Sir Rions Syrians, Iranians etc ions. They are all old names from Africa. They are still wishing for freedom, and until they give up slavery they will be in conflict. Rael is old. It’s a beautiful name. People don’t stop and think all humans are indigenous of the earth. So hopefully they do really believe still in freeing the pale steins. Both lights and nights enslaved themselves. It’s a little bizarre how it’s still acceptable in some parts of Africa. A free Ca. Ca=spirit. All while believing in God. Men and women created equally in the eyes of God.
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