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Has anyone heard of this name? I know a person with this as a first name, and he is the only one I have ever met in my life with this name. Prior to meeting him, I had never heard of it. In fact, upon reading it, at first I couldn't pronounce it.Does anybody have any information about this name? Any at all would be helpful, it would be nice to add it to this site. It is pronounced Littun, or Litton,(however you can read the pronunciation) the first part being 'Lit', the second part being 'un', as in "unbelievable." It's a male name, from what I have heard. It could be female as well for all I know, but I don't know.Anyway, that's all I've got on that name. If you know anything about it's origin and/or meaning and could let me know, it would be appreciated.
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Lytton  ·  Jade  ·  8/16/2004, 12:59 AM
Re: Lytton  ·  Bee  ·  8/16/2004, 11:45 AM