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Pronunciation NIN-A or NIY-NA as in saying ( NINE-AH )
[ 2 syll. ni-na, nin-a ] The baby girl name Nina is pronounced NIYNah or in Dutch, German, Italian, Polish and Russian as NIYNaa †. Spanish deviation is nee-na
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NIE-nə (like the word "nine") is an older English pronunciation for Nina.
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Given the pronounciation key on this site ( ) I can confirm that the German pronounciation using THIS KEY is indeed NEE-na. Note that NIY-na is not definied in the pronounciation key. It is surely not pronounced NIE-na (which is the key for "nine-na"). A famous German namesake is the singer Nina Hagen, and she pronounces herself NEE-na (There's a song from her with the lines "Ick bin die Nina, ick bin Balina, ick fühl mir prima" -- Berlin dialect, not exactly standard German).

This message was edited 10/12/2014, 8:57 AM

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In my opinion NIN-A... NIY-NA only in Bollywood movies ;)
Best Regards..._____________________________________________________________________________________________

This message was edited 10/12/2014, 5:22 PM

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