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what does my name mean?
My name is Audrice Mommee and i've been told that audrice is french and mommee is cherokee. both names are family names and i've never been able to find them. if someone does known the meaning of them i would love to know. I am female and white but my family is mostly irish cherokee and black foot.
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what does my name mean?
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Click on ALISHA.Andy ;—)
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what does my name mean in different languages?
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Click on JENNA.
Go to Name Translation and pick any language.
But you will see: Whatever language you choose, the meaning will still remain the same.
Sometimes the same sequence of characters has different meanings in different languages. SELMA may be of Germanic origin and be derived from AnSELMA ("God" + "helmet"), it may be Galic (I'm not sure about this, but it is said to mean "fair" in the sense of "bright, blonde") or else it may be Arabic ("peaceful"). Three times SELMA, but I would say it is three names, not one.Andy ;—)
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what does my name mean?
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Try Lisette > ElizabethAndy ;—)
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Can you tell me what my name means?
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Click on KIMBERLYAndy ;—)
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please tell me some information about the meaning behind my name. Thank You
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Looks like a mixture of CORINNA and LARISSA to me, but avtually I don't know.Andy ;—)
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PLEASE,PLEASE tell me what my name means.
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Click on AMY and ANGELA.Andy ;—)
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can u tell me anyting about my future from my name?
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I can't, but it's called onomancy :D
Hope that helps...
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i would like to know what my name means!!!!!!!!
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Click on SAMANTHA!Andy ;—)
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I'm so cool.
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I bet you are!
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I couldn't find "Audrice", but I think I've heard it before.
This is all I could find on female names starting with "Aud" :=====================================================================
Gender: Female
Meaning: Last Daughter
Origin: African
Gender: Female
Meaning: From AUDREY
Origin: French
Gender: Female
Meaning: Noble Strength
Origin: English
=====================================================================:) Martina
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Audrice looks like an elaboration of the name Audrey <--click here for more info.Mommee reminds me of Maumee which is also a place name. Although not Cherokee it does have Native American roots and is the name of a tribe aka Miami. From what I've gathered Maumee is thought to derive from either the Chippewa word omaumeg meaning "people of the peninsula" or a Miami word for pigeon.
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