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meaning of the nam Tashina
40 years ago i read a book about a Sioux warrior whom was in love with woman named Alisha ( noble and kind ) they had a child whom they named Tashina which i was told meant ( bright eyes ) funny 2yrs later i had a daughter and i named her Alisha and when she had her daughter she named her Tashina, they are both native american Sioux decent, to this day i am still trying to find the book as i can't remember the name of it...
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meaning of the nam Tashina  ·  Tamara  ·  12/16/2013, 12:17 PM
Re: meaning of the nam Tashina  ·  EMB  ·  12/24/2013, 11:49 AM
Re: meaning of the nam Tashina  ·  ·  1/7/2014, 12:53 AM