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Meaning of Mischa?
What is the meaning of the Female name Mischa?
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Could it be a female form of Meeshach, however you spell that, as in the chap who went into the furnace with Shadrach and Abednego?The spider takes hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.
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Could it be a female form of Meeshach, however you spell that, as in the chap who went into the furnace with Shadrach and Abednego?The spider takes hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.
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It is just a pet name for Mikhail. (I love both!) Hope this helps. :)~Arie~
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Just plain and simple variation of Misha. It's often used as a feminine name in the USA, but originates from Russian Misha.
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the same as of the male Misha which you can look up at behindthename..........Mischa is just another spelling and using it on a girl does not change its meaning. It is used as a boys name is Russia and that´s where it is from..........
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