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what is the meaning
I named my baby girl Fidausi thinking that my husband know the meaning, we don't know the name nor the origin. it might be spelled Fydauwsy. I think it middle eastern to stan country I mean afghanistan
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Hi, the correct spelling is Firdausi, Ferdowsi or Firdawsi and it's an Iranian Surname. There was a famous poet with this name and there are also a few Iranian rural districts with this name.,_Iran_(disambiguation)
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I thought it was actually a pseudonym? The origin is probably Avestan pairi- (cognate of peri-) + diz (form, cognate with dough) meaning a garden, often meaning garden of Eden, a word that ultimately lies at the root of paradise. This gives rise to firdaus in later Persian. Firdausi, then, is someone from paradise.
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