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how do u prn. brena?
how do u prn. 'brena,' if it is a real name? do u pronounce it Brena with a short e or Breena (a long e)?
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I know a Breena pronounced -BrEE -NA long 'E' sound.Very preety name to me:)Elizabeth
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thanks i thought it might b a real name because it sounds real, but ive never know n e 1 named 'brena'
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Some years ago, there was a singer in Serbia/Bosnia commonly called "Lepa Brena" which means "the beautifull Brena". Obviously, Brena was either her given name or her artistic name.Anyway, I think there is a female name Brena in Serbia and Bosnia.
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By the way, "Lepa Brena" is pronounced "LEH-pah BREH-na".
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