by তন্ময় ভট্টাচার্য্য (guest)
4/17/2013, 7:19 AM
Naming siblings (and close cousins) in a common pattern is very common among Bengalis in India. In my family I know a set of sisters Swagata, Sumita, Sanchita, and their cousin Sangeeta. Then I have a cousin who was named Chinmoy because I am Tanmoy, and his brother was named Mrinmoy. My father is one of four brothers: Nani, Phani, Mani, Chuni.
Usually, what is matched is some phonetic element (initial sound, final sound, rhyming) or choosing words (most Bengali names can be used as Bengali words: rarely a common word, but mostly intelligible) that are associated for some reason: my brother-in-law Abir was named 'after' my wife Kumkum, since 'Abir Kumkum' are two commonly occurring ingredients in decorating many idols, and are often mentioned together. The Chinmoy-Mrinmoy set is both rhyming and 'antonyms' in a philosophical context.