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Compound names
Compound names can be hyphenated or use a normal space between the two names that make it up, Italian names however are joined as a single word, for example; Giambattista, Giampaolo, Giampiero, Giancarlo, Gianfranco, Gianluca, Gianluigi, Gianmarco, Gianmaria...But Anyone knows a compound name of the later variety that has the second name starting iwth an H? I know Italian does not uses the h much because it isn't properly recognized as a letter... But is there another language where compound names are neither hyphenated (like Jan-Helge a Nrowegian compound name) nor written with a gap between the names that make it up (like Juan Francisco or José Luis or María Fernanda)? And any of them have a name that starts with an h in the second part of the compound name?
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Compound names  ·  Getb2  ·  1/2/2013, 5:56 PM
Re: Compound names  ·  anonymous  ·  1/24/2013, 1:02 AM
Re: Compound names  ·  Getb2  ·  2/7/2013, 4:18 PM
Re: Compound names  ·  Phoebe  ·  1/2/2013, 9:20 PM
Re: Compound names  ·  Getb2  ·  1/3/2013, 5:49 AM
Re: Compound names  ·  Frollein Gladys  ·  1/3/2013, 6:02 AM
Re: Compound names  ·  Getb2  ·  1/3/2013, 8:06 AM
Re: Compound names  ·  Getb2  ·  1/3/2013, 5:51 AM
Re: Compound names  ·  Phoebe  ·  1/3/2013, 3:38 PM
Re: Compound names  ·  Getb2  ·  1/3/2013, 9:28 PM