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Question About the Persian Khaterah
Um Do you think it could be related to other names, Like Keturah or Katherine?
I guess I am trying to ask, When people conquered other lands, Did they take those names or did they use something close to it, with a different meaning? Cause of misinterpretations and such...sorry if I am unclear,
and Also what is the oldest word meaning of Pure, is it Katharos, which is greek i think?
or are there older tribe names, I'll keep searching, but if you have info, that will be appreciated. thanks, MercyHere is something interesting

This message was edited 12/22/2012, 2:57 PM

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According to most sites, Khatere actually means "memory". It is not related to Keturah, which means "incense".When countries conquer lands, sometimes they take names from them. But more often, you see the reverse - in the Persian language, there are many Arabic names, though they are often spelled differently in Latin script (for example, Khadija in Arabic and Khadijeh in Persian).
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