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Adnan is a masculine name that is used in Bosnia. Does anyone know its meaning or origin?
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Is it a typical Muslim name? Because we have a student from Saudi Arabia this year in ESL with this name.
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It seems to be a general Arabic name, yes. I put Bosnia in my original post because I spotted it on the Bosnian Top 100 name list.
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Meaning: Humble personality, eternal, pleasure, someone who lives in heaven, settler. Comments: Adnan (Arabic: عدنان ) is the traditional ancestor of the Adnani (Neo-Arabs) of northern Arabia, as opposed to the Qahtani of Southern Arabia who descend from Qahtan. Adnan is said to be a descendant of Ishmael through his son Kedar.
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ThanksI did some research on the name. In Islamic tradition it belongs to one of the ancestors of Muhammad. Apparently it means "settler" and is related to the word Eden.
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The meaning I can find for Adnan is "settler".
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