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Hey! Would anybody happen to know what my name Erifili (Åñéöõëç)means? It's of greek origin.
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In Greek mythology, Eriphyle (Ancient Greek: Ἐριφύλη), daughter of Talaus, was the mother of Alcmaeon and the wife of Amphiaraus. Eriphyle persuaded Amphiaraus to take part in the raid that initiated the mythic tale of the Seven Against Thebes, though she knew he would die. She had been persuaded by Polynices, who offered her the necklace of Harmonia for her assistance.Dying Amphiaraus charged his sons Alcmaeon and Amphilochus with avenging his death, and after Amphiaraus died, fulfilling the prophecy, Alcmaeon killed his mother. He was pursued by the Erinyes as he fled across Greece, eventually reaching the court of King Phegeus, who gave him his daughter in marriage. Exhausted, Alcmaeon asked an oracle how to assuage the Erinyes and was told that he needed to stop where the sun was not shining when he killed his mother. That was at the mouth of the river Achelous, which had become silted up. Achelous, the god of that river, offered him his daughter Callirrhoe in marriage if Alcmaeon would retrieve the necklace and clothes that Eriphyle had worn when she persuaded Amphiaraus to take part in the battle. Alcmaeon had given these jewels to Phegeus, who had his sons kill Alcmaeon when he discovered Alcmaeon's plan: thus lest the curse be transmitted to a next generation it was dedicated to Aphrodite at Amathus in Cyprus.Eriphyle is seen in Hades in Vergil's Aeneid, still bearing wounds inflicted by her son. She also plays a role in Statius's Thebaid,[2] in which her desire to attain the necklace of Harmonia is one of the catalysts for the war between Argos and Thebes. In this version of the myth, however, Argia, Polynices's wife, persuades her husband to give the necklace to Eriphyle so that Amphiaraus will join the war effort.
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The name derives from the Greek words "ERI", 'great', 'very', 'a lot', 'quite' and "FYLON", or "FYLE", 'nation', 'tribe', 'race'. It means "of great nation".
*** "The cunning justifies, the silly insists, the clever admits." ***
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Thanks.Are you sure though that eri means a lot? I was once told that it's form the word eris(åñéò)which means dispute or sth.
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Absolutely sure, plus the other meanings I mentioned before. You can check any good dictionary of Ancient Greek language.“When two people have a dispute, the loser is actually the winner because he learns something new.”
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Thanks Kassios!Btw,ùñáéï ïíïìá å÷åéò!You wouldn't happen to know what Erifili was in mythology?
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Åõ÷áñéóôù ðïëõ! Êáé åóõ ôï éäéï, ìáëëïí èá åéóáé Åëëçíéäá... :)
In Greek mythology, Erifili was the daughter of Lysimache and Talaos(king of Argos), sister of Adrastos and wife of Amfiaraos. Another Erifili was the daughter of Salmoneus.“When two people have a dispute, the loser is actually the winner because he learns something new.”
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-fil means "friend" or something like that. It´s not much, but maybe a help...
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