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Anyone fancy beta-testing a given-name-related chatbot?
A chatbot is a program that allows you to type questions in plain English and generates (hopefully) sensible answers to these questions.I just finished programming such a chatbot that does not specialize in making general small talk like many other such bots, but aims to answer many types of questions about given names. It could need some beta-testers now.You find it here: course one half of this "NameGuru" is fun, but the other half is a quite serious attempt to offer something like a natural-language interface to a given name database. If people find this interesting and useful, it would be possible to go considerably further concerning functionality, e.g. offering a way to build a name list interactively, with commands like "Add all names to the list that ..." and "Delete every name from the list which..."Note that the NameGuru is *NOT* able to provide advice e.g. to expecting parents about which name to choose. That's something needing much more artificial intelligence than this bot offers.Also be warned that I log the full conversations, to be able to analyze them and improve the program based on the results. If that's not ok for you, don't use it.
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Anyone fancy beta-testing a given-name-related chatbot?  ·  Rene  ·  2/12/2012, 3:51 AM
Re: Anyone fancy beta-testing a given-name-related chatbot?  ·  thetxbelle  ·  2/22/2012, 5:15 PM
Re: Anyone fancy beta-testing a given-name-related chatbot?  ·  Amphelise  ·  2/13/2012, 12:46 AM
Re: Anyone fancy beta-testing a given-name-related chatbot?  ·  mirfak  ·  2/12/2012, 7:10 PM
Re: Anyone fancy beta-testing a given-name-related chatbot?  ·  Rene  ·  2/12/2012, 11:14 PM
Re: Anyone fancy beta-testing a given-name-related chatbot?  ·  mirfak  ·  2/13/2012, 9:44 AM