I've been putting together a list of "unusual" names that I see around various towns, on TV, and from various Ancestors of mine. The only problems are that I don't know anything about these names. I've tried looking them up on here, but couldn't find them :/ so I come to this Board in hopes of finding help.
I'm asking for the Ethnic Background, Gender, Meaning, and how to Pronounce the names. If you can give more information than I have asked for, that would be marvelous, thank you :)
Zallerbach (a road near Saint
Louis, Missouri)
Quivira (female Ancestors surname)
Rancour (Ancestors surname)
Werneke (Ancestors surname)
Benassi (Ancestors surname)
Nayarkas (Ancestors surname)
Seifker (Ancestors surname)
Zumbehl (a road near Saint
Louis, Missouri)
Vujic (surname to a younger singer in Australia)
Kachru (don't remember where I got this one from, sorry)
Vidgen (surname to a younger singer in Sweden, I believe)
Savaii (it was the latest
Red Tribe in Survivor)
Rohr (don't remember where I got this one from either)