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full meaning of my name
I want too know the full meaning of my name Trevenee and I also want facts about my name I just want too know everything about my name.That is all !!
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A Google search gave me the impression that your name must be pretty much unique, with so few hits, and some of them about you anyway.When searching for 'Trevenee' on Facebook, there is exactly 1 hit only - something that I never saw before. I never checked a name there where among half a billion people only one has that name.So, either your name really is unique, in which case it's probably a good idea to find the one who invented it, maybe starting by asking your parents about that. Or, 'Trevenee' is only an exotic writing/spelling variant of another, maybe much more widespread name - do you have any idea about possible variants?
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Most likely the first name is a variant spelling of a Sanskrit origin name triveNI [dental unaspirated t- (like in French), -r- roughly as in English, short -i- as in English "hit", voiced unaspirated labiodental -v- (i.e., between English v and w), long -e- as in English "tale", retroflex -N- and long -I as in English "heat"): the tri- in that means and is cognate with English three, and the second part comes from the root ve meaning to weave and means a braid. It thus means triple braided, but since the junction of rivers was also described as the braiding of the currents, the common meaning is a confluence of three rivers, in particular the one where the North Indian rivers Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati join. This is a holy confluence for the Hindus, and the site of religious pilgrimage.Pillay is a last name of Tamil and Malayalam speaking land-owning communities, often Hindu, but also belonging to other religions. I don't know Tamil, so can't comment on its meaning and it may be related to a word meaning child. But it was originally a title bestowed ceremoniously by South Indian rulers, and became a last name (or sometimes caste marker) in the communities mentioned above (and rarely in others). The particular spelling (as opposed to Pillai, Pilli, and a variety of other transliterations) is very common in South Africa, though it is also found in India and other communities of Indian origin.
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