You made this one up, admit it! Just to test us!
Now seriously: I haven' got a clue. I can't see any relation between
HANNA and … what's this name again? Not by spelling nor by sound nor by meaning (I wish I knew what VERG… whatever means).
Okay, take off the -lin endíng (deminutive), this leaves VERGENT. Virgin? - Take a B for the V and you might end up with BERG (for whatever reason).
Let's try google: 30 entries, mostly genealogical. Wow! Vergentlin Channa Treves (14th century!). Is she the one? Must be, because she is the only one mentioned on these sites.
next entry: "Vergentlin is the vernacular equivalent for the Hebrew name Channa." ( So it is! - Anybody around who can explain this?
Andy ;—)