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I can not find a name on you site.
I am looking for my brothe in laws name it is hawaiian I want to find out the meaning. I want to give the name to my son when I have him.I know it is a hawaiian name my father in law has it and so did his father and they both grow up in hawaiia and are hawaiian. The name is KAAIHUE and I was wondering if I could find the meaning of my last name it is hawaiian. ELIA I could not find it.
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I agree with what Cleveland Kent Evans said about the name. To find out information about your surname, post a message here:
Proud Adopter Of Many Lovely Punctuation Pets; See My Profile For Their Names."Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr."It is not length of life, but depth of life."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Most Hawaiian names are created out of normal words in the Hawaiian language. So until you find an expert on the Hawaiian language who can interpret the name for you, your best bet is to look at what Kaaiahue could possibly mean from a Hawaiian language dictionary. The problem here though is that you really have to know how the syllables were originally divided to be sure in looking up the original words the name was created from. There seem to be quite a few different possibilities for Kaaihue.
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