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To find the meaing of my name
I have no clue where this name comes from but I do know it is a family name that has been in the family for many years. We have Irish, Scottish, Latin, French, Dutch, and American Indian in our family background. It is not a common name I have only known 2 people with it, and that would be my Grandmother and myself. I have been looking for the meaning and where it came from for many years. The name is female I do believe, it is GAYTHEL, I do not know if it has been spelled differently or anything. Thanks so much.
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To find the meaing of my name  ·  Sam  ·  1/20/2006, 3:43 PM
Re: To find the meaing of my name  ·  Jae  ·  1/21/2006, 7:06 PM