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Kenna not pronounced right
I have a child named Kenna and people get it wrong all the time. I always get Kenya (although there is clearly no y) or Keena (which I really can't stand). People don't have a problem with Jenna, so I don't understand why Kenna is so confusing. She was named after a grandfather, Kenneth. Didn't realize it was going to create so many problems...
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How the heck did they get Kenya? I saw it and was like, "KEn-na." How the heck they got KEE-na or Kenya... It's okay, I have a friend named Tiya, and people say Tia. I think name pronunciation is subjective. But Kenna's such a pretty name, and the fact that it's based on a family member's name is what makes it special.
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I don't understand it either. It's clear it should be KEN-na. I like Kina pr. KEE-na better, though.
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